Words By Drew Vandergriend
I've decided quite recently that I will be doing a "Rider Spotlight" every week, so basically i pick one rider that gets me brewing to ride and say a few things about them. Plain and simple. And The first rider id like to mention is Named Stefan Lantschner_
Stefan Hails from Italy and has mad steeze. He's 28 years old, rides for company's such as Nike 6.0 and Fly bikes and basically is one of my favorite riders to watch. Awesome park and street lines contribute too some awesome edits that have great film work and a good vibe_
Lantschner has been working on a Montana line with Fly Bikes That includes Bars and Frames, he put together a short bike check talking about the montana line and his current set-up_
Stefan Not only rides Bmx but Motox as well. He recently spent some time riding in is favorite city of Milan, Italy and put togethor an awesome Edit that not only blew me away but gave me the chance to see all the great spots in Milan and Stefan's razy Motox Skills_